Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Holiday Dinner

One of the benefits of having worked at The New York Times for the better part of a decade is that you never know who's coming to dinner. I've been alternating Thanksgivings and this year I celebrated the feast with friends in Brooklyn. Pulitzer prize winning photographer Ruth Fremson joined us for dinner after having shot the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Manhattan. She had her camera and kindly agreed to snap a few photos. Here is a glimpse inside my Thanksgiving this year.

Even the best hostesses know what and when to delegate. Beth's sister Judy asked to set the table, I gladly accepted her offer. Instead of asking how to fold the napkins her crew googled "how to fold napkins" and carefully instructed their mom on how to do so.

Usually I get kale to line the turkey platter. We overlooked the kale this year, thus we strategically placed the celery, cranberries, lemons, and pears so the aluminum foil was not visible.

Bite sized sweet potato pies topped with toasted miniature marshmallows are not photogenic but were a fun and welcome alternative to serving another heavy side dish.

I deconstructed a traditional green bean casserole and made individual size portions. They were prepared with homemade mushroom soup, fresh Parmesan cheese and caramelized onions.

In addition to traditional recipes, great company, an excellent vibe, lots of wine and pumpkin roll, guests were treated to an eloquently delivered toast. Thanks to Ruth for the photos and much gratitude to Beth and Joe for opening their home and hosting a beautiful holiday once again!

Good luck in your holiday dinner preparations. What treasures will be on your table?

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